Which patients can benefit most from interventional cancer treatments?
In oncology, not every treatment method works well in every patient. For classical cancer treatments, it is generally well-known which patients are suitable for surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and which patients not. However, since interventional therapies are not widely known, even among doctors who deal with cancer, and performed only in a small number of centers, little is known as to which patients may be good candiates for such treatments. The following points will guide our patients in this respect.
Which cancer patients are more suitable for interventional treatments?
1. Slow-growing cancers.
2. Cancers with small number of tumors
3. Cancers in a single organ (eg liver, lung, kidney).
4. Cancers located in the liver, lung, neck and arm-leg region.
5. Metastases only in the liver or predominantly in the liver.
6. Non-abundant or slow-growing metastases
Which types of cancer are not useful for interventional therapies?
1. Hematologic cancers (leukemia, lymphoma, etc).
2. "Small cell" type of lung cancer.
3. Cancers of the brain and spinal cord.
4. Esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large bowel cancers ( However, liver, lung metastases of these cancers may be appropriate if they are few or slow-growing).
5. Multiple cancers (such as bones, brain, lymph nodes) simultaneously spreading.
6. Very rapidly growing and spreading (aggressive) cancers.
7. Patients with bedridden and poor general condition, and those in terminal period.
Interventional oncology in cancer management
Prof Saim Yilmaz, MD